Is It Presentable?
Loyalty - It Has To Be Earned
Why I am a fan of weighted scoresheets (but still trust my gut).
Stakeholder theory, or, who pays for the coffee?
Are We Becoming Meaner?
Patience is a virtue (and one of my superpowers)
The Importance of Delegation
Trust – What Does It Mean?
Time Management or How to Make Fried Rice
Leaders Are Followers Too
Values, Principles and Ethics
Get intimate with your chart of accounts
Risk Management is everything
Compromise is not a dirty word
Rhythms, Cycles and Reporting Upwards
Negotiating and making the pie bigger
The Job is not finished until the report has been written
Agency - It’s always a risk giving it but it may be a greater risk not giving it.
Don’t be afraid to prepare material for the cutting room floor.